Nutrition Business Coach

Dietitian Doubled Their Monthly Sales In Just 6 Months

What if I told you…

You could double your sales in the next few months taking on less clients.

Would you be interested to learn how?

A higher income without having to see more clients, means you can quit trading time for dollars, enjoy more freedom, have a bigger impact and take back total control of your schedule.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, keep reading! 

You might also be interested to check out our free masterclass where you'll learn the 5 phase Freedom Formula that's helped 220 dietitians and nutritionists world wide to scale their online practice to 6-figures & beyond 🚀

When Sports Dietitian Erin first came to Dietitian Digital for help to grow her private practice, she was burnt out and at capacity. However, falling short of her financial goals. 

Within 6 months we cut back the number of clients she was working with and doubled her monthly sales.


With one simple but powerful shift…

Instead of selling initial and review sessions, Erin started selling a solution. 

The traditional business model of initial and review consults is keeping dietitians from all around the world stuck in the time for money trap.

It’s robbing dietitians of their freedom and their ability to enjoy financial security. 

And it’s creating a major roadblock for ideal clients to buy.

Perhaps you’re even experiencing some of these frustrations right now. 

Your dream clients and customers are hard wired to shop for a solution to their problem. An open-ended number of initial and review consults isn’t going to get them opening their wallets and investing their precious time. 

'I truly believe it is our responsibility as a profession to make accessing credible nutrition support as easy and as appealing as possible for the general public. In 2023, that involves dietitians expanding their online footprint and shifting to the right business model' - Katie Mueller

Just like Erin, when you package your nutrition expertise into a solution it becomes a more positive experience for not only the dietitian but for the clients and customers as well. 

Every dietitian whether they are working in a clinical, community or private practice setting has the ability to create and sell a digital course about what they know.

Here’s three key things Erin did to make the shift and how you can too…


Mindset Reset

Shifting from sessions to solutions, doubling monthly income, having more freedom and flexibility are all only possible if you believe they are possible as a dietitian. 

The first big step is a mindset reset. Challenging your beliefs about what it means to be a dietitian, about how dietitians can serve their clients, about how much they can charge and about how they can market themselves.  

Unfortunately there are a lot of limiting beliefs holding dietitians back from abundance and having the kind of impact they’re capable of having in the nutrition space, particularly online. 

Once you reset those beliefs and move forward with a new idea of what’s possible in dietetics it opens up a whole new world of possibilities where you can have a bigger impact and enjoy more freedom.



The second key thing is to clarify.

Gaining clarity on exactly the type of client you want to work with and what you are going to help them achieve is crucial to your success when making the shift. Your nutrition business will thrive when it delivers the right product to the right people. The dietitian businesses that do this the best are the ones who are crystal clear on their why.

There is so much power in clarity. Yet, it can be so difficult to achieve when you’re in the daily grind of clinic and going through the motions of what’s expected of you as a dietitian.  

Taking the time to check in with yourself about what you’re really aiming to achieve in dietetics is so important to your success moving forward, especially when diving into creating solutions.

Depending on if your goals are financial, lifestyle, trailblazing change or something, else will impact greatly on the type of solution you create.


Action Step 📝

Take out a notebook and write down exactly what you want to achieve. What does your perfect day look like as a dietitian? Consider things like if you want to see clients 1:1 or make passive sales or speak on stages or maybe even a combination of all three. What type of clients do you see yourself helping? There are no limits and there are no wrong answers. 


Create A Framework

No dietitian teaches what you teach, the way you teach it. You are unique and that individuality deserves to shine so it can be shared with your ideal clients. 

Every single dietitian has a signature framework inside them, whether they know it or not. Therefore every single dietitian has a digital course inside them too!

Making the shift from sessions to solutions is about bringing out that framework and putting it into a step by step system your clients can use to get the result they want. Rather than ambiguous consults, clients can clearly see how you’re going to get them where they want to be. 

It’s about taking what you already do every single day in initial and review sessions and packaging it up in a way that can more effectively be marketed and delivered at scale. 

Crating a framework is about identifying patterns in your work. The steps you take to help clients move toward their goals. Once you have identified these patterns, you have your framework and are well on your way to having made the shift. 

💫 Let me show you, step by step how you can exponentially increase your income by shifting from sessions to solutions and implementing the other 4 phases of my proven Dietitian Freedom Formula! CLICK HERE to watch the free masterclass, it will play for you immediately 📺