Dietitians, Avoid This Common Pricing Mistake In Virtual Practice!

By Katie Anne Mueller

Are you guilty of this common pricing mistake? I'll share with you what it is in just a moment but first let's talk about money goals and why you're not reaching them...

I want to share a story with you about a client I was working with in my Dietitian Business Academy program.

When we first started, I had her (as with all of my clients) complete a 90-day business plan. This included setting money goals.

She wrote down that she wanted to earn $5,000 revenue by filling her coaching program that she was selling for $99 per person.

That meant, she needed to sell 50 people into the program to reach her money goal. 

The problem with this was that she had just started on Instagram and Facebook, was still building her audience and didn't yet have an email list. 

So gaining 50 new clients in just a few months was going to be a big ask. 

The reason I am sharing this with you is because I see so many dietitian's doing the same thing and setting themselves up to not reach their money goals. When this is totally avoidable!

See, if we increase this dietitian's course price to $499 per person she only needs to gain 10 new clients to reach her money goal...

Making it achievable and realistic.

Now I know you're thinking "But Katie, I can't charge $499 for my program! No one will buy it!"...

And I'm about to crush all of your limiting beliefs about prices and selling. 

It takes the same amount of work and effort to sell a $100 product as it does a $1,000 product. 

This is the honest truth. Let me explain why...

In order for someone to buy from your virtual practice they need to have reached a point within themselves that they Know, Like & Trust you to be their dietitian. 

While there are marketing strategies you can use to speed up this process...

At the end of the day, people just won't buy until they're there. Even if you're only asking them to spend $5.

Once they reach that point however...


It's all guns blazing and you can charge whatever you want. Why?

Because they have already made the decision they want to work with you and when us humans make a decision on our own accord...

We find all the reasons to justify it was the right decision. 

Can you see how because of this, the price you charge for your online products and services becomes inconsequential?

Once you have that Know, Like & Trust, you can charge what you want.

That brings us now to the common pricing mistake to avoid in your virtual practice...

Set your prices based on what you want to charge, not what you think people will pay

If I had a dollar for all the times I've heard dietitian's say "I'm going to start with this price and then I'll increase it over time as I'm ready" I'd have very heavy pockets ;-) 

This is a big mistake. It's costing you potentially thousands in lost income and all the while, you're doing the same amount of work!

Client don't dictate your prices, you do.

The market doesn't decide what you can and can't charge, you do.

It's your job as a virtual practice owner to ensure that the value you provide far outweighs the price you want to charge. That's the 'secret' to people saying YES to paying more for working with you.

So let me ask you this...

Are you currently charging what you want to be paid? Or are your fees based around what you think people will pay without resistance?

If you're not charging what you want to be earning then I urge you to go right now and fix that! You will feel a weight off your shoulders and a surge of momentum in your business you have never seen before.

Get more support like this and so much more inside Dietitian Business Academy. Together we'll apply the DBA Model to your virtual practice so you can hit your goals faster and easier. If you're ready to up-level your virtual practice and start growing online, click here to apply for the program and book a free chat to learn more.

Speak soon,
