How To Get Clients From Social Media

By Katie Anne Mueller

I want to share a story with you about a dietitian I was working with last year.

Her biggest roadblock?

Feeling like she was spending HOURS each week on social media...

Creating new content, publishing posts, engaging with her audience and managing a private Facebook group...

But nothing was coming out of it. She wasn't getting any new clients or recurring income from all of this hard work.

Sure, she was getting the odd sale and one off 'record month'. But not the consistent, reliable and scalable income she wanted. 

For her, it felt like social media was nothing more than a time consuming task. That it was something only the 'big' dietitian brands could benefit from. 

She felt like throwing in the towel and giving up completely...

Until, during a coaching call one day, I had a look at her sales process.

I wanted to find out HOW she was using social media to get clients. And the reason for her pain and lack of success was clear.

I could see that she was posting regularly, responding to her audience, producing entertaining and educational content... nailing her infographics! Doing 'all the right things' BUT...

She was trying to drive her audience straight from social media to buying a consultation or product.

THAT was the problem.

Social media is BRILLIANT for attracting attention to your business. For getting your brand out there and in front of your dream clients and building relationships with your market, BUT...

It's rather terrible as the one and only step in your lead generation / sales process. 

Your audience will only buy from you once they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you. While you may be able to get most of your following to know and like you... It's tricky to build the TRUST from social media alone. 

There is one exception to this... 

If your band is big enough and you have been around long enough on social media, showing up consistently and delivering great value...

AND you have credibility outside of social media. For example you have a profile in the media, great SEO rankings, strong reviews online, an endorsement by a trusted industry brand and so on...

Your BRAND may have the trust of your audience.

But if you're like most of us... Looking at these big brands, wondering HOW you can get a piece of the social media pie and reach the same heights... Keep reading...

I'm going to share with you now the system for getting clients on social media thats working right now (as of June 2020).

This is not just something I have 'made up and put a pretty name to'. This is REAL digital marketing that no other dietitian business trainer is talking about...

Yet, it's used by some of the biggest health and nutrition brands around the world to turn their expertise into 6 and 7 figure businesses. 

I have used this in my own dietitian business AND for many of my clients.

But first, a word of warning...

This is NOT a quick fix... instant money kind of strategy. It takes work up front, a bit of patience and a pinch of determination. 

The result?

A proven lead generation / sales process, consistent new leads every single week, consistent and reliable sales, a process you can scale, to grow your online business as big as you want it to be. 

Sound interesting? 

Here are the 3 initial steps:

1. Create an awesome and irresistible Freebie

Social media is the first step... the attracting attention step. Once you have done that, you're not quite ready yet to ask your audience members to become a new client. You need LOW RISK offers (anything from free to about $50). Some examples of this include:

  • Ebook
  • Recipes
  • Your blog posts
  • Mini course / training
  • Free 'discovery' session or similar (done the RIGHT way! This is not about just giving away a free consult)  
  • Webinar
  • Online (or in person) event
  • Challenge 
  • Menu plan

Pick one of these that best suits your business and audience desires

2. Get a landing page up online (stick with me this is easier than you might think)

Once you have your freebie or low risk offer, you need a landing page where your audience can go to get their hands on it in exchange for their contact details. A landing page is NOT your website. It's really important that these two things are completely separate. You can use programs like ClickFunnels, Kajabi or Leadpages to access ready to go templates that you can 'plug and play' to get your landing page live in a matter of hours. 

3. Deploy a smart email campaign to authentically and effortlessly drive sales 

Now that you have your freebie, your landing page is up and collecting emails in return for your offer, you are ready to take the next step in your client attraction process. It's time to deploy a smart email campaign that builds the missing ingredient... the TRUST. You can achieve this over a series of well thought out emails. I call this your 'Empathetic Expert' sequence and I've outlined the theme for these emails below:

  1. Set off on the right foot
  2. I'm just like you / tell your relatable story (this is where knowing your 'Professional Edge' and not just your niche is very handy!)
  3. Position yourself as the missing piece of their puzzle
  4. Tell them about your secret sauce
  5. Present your offer and call to action 


Ready to take your business to the next level? Discover my proven Model for growing any online nutrition business and the exact steps you need to get more clients from social media in this FREE Training. Watch it here now >> https://dietitian-digital.mykajabi.com/masterclass-access

See you there!
